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Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Zero Investment,Zero Risk!

From Kyle & Carson

Zero-Investment, Zero-Risk, Zero... Chance!

There is ZERO chance that you can lose if you actually take the time to implement the techniques within "Who Loves Money". We know this and guarantee this because these are the EXACT techniques that we use. In fact, "Who Loves Money" created many success the very first day it was released! We want you to take the time to get your copy, learn our techniques, and be yet another success story.

How do you succeed? Well, ultimately success is up to you, and you are given the tools within "Who Loves Money" to succeed...anyone can succeed with these techniques. You can succeed, your friends can succeed...really it can be ANYONE.

"Who Loves Money" is an opportunity, not a risk. Get your copy today!

Click Here

The Difference

From Kyle & Carson

Yeah, yeah...we know what you are thinking; what is the difference between "Who Loves Money" and any other guide that has been released lately?

Well that's an easy one to answer.. It's different because we wrote it! The techniques within "Who Loves Money" are strictly based off the EXACT techniques that have work for us, and consequently, we know they will work for you. There isn't a single technique or strategy that we've written about that we don't use ourselves. This is what separates "Who Loves Money" from the rest. Other e-books out there are written based on theory, where "Who Loves Money is based on practice.

What other book tells you the exact industry that can make you $60 / minute, gives you the product, exactly how it was marketed, and how you can duplicate the campaign for yourself? We teach you this within Who Loves Money.

The $60/minute campaign awaits you here: Click Here

Will you succeed if you read "Who Loves Money" and implement the techniques within the book? YES...Absolutely...100%! If you learn the techniques we explain there is no way that you cannot make money. We know this because we provide you techniques that work for us, work for others, and will work for you. Most of the techniques are zero-investment marketing strategies, meaning the only investment you are going to have to make is the original purchase of Who Loves Money.

Success does not come without work however. You cannot expect to get rich overnight, and you cannot expect to get rich without using your brain. It all comes down to execution! If you know everything about marketing, and never implement it, you are not going to succeed. By executing the "Slow Roller" technique within "Who Loves Money", and following the schedule that we lay out, you will make sales very quickly. The entire "Slow Roller" section will be worth thousands to you if you follow our instructions.

The Slow Roller Technique awaits you here: Click Here

How do you succeed? Ultimately success is up to you. You are given the tools within "Who Loves Money" to succeed...anyone can succeed. You can succeed, your friends can succeed...really it could be ANYONE. If you work smart and are willing to persevere through small failures, then you will be one of the next Internet marketers who truly loves money (and will have a lot of it)!

Get Your Copy Today!

Click Here

360 Reasons To Get Who Loves Money Now!

From Kyle & Carson

We've received literally hundreds of emails from people who have picked up a copy of Who Loves Money and although we were expecting great feedback, we couldn't have expected the book to be so well received.

Yesterday we were contacted by a very happy individual who was one of the first people to purchase Who Loves Money. Actually they were waiting for the countdown timer to reach zero and get first crack at the book! Within 8 hours of Who Loves Money being available this individual read the book, and focused in on our "Slow Roller" technique. Here's the email we received:

"You have no idea at the smile on my face guys!! Not only have I made that 4 sales which has proved that the [Slow Roller] technique works I have spent a massive $4 in clicks! lol $4 yes only F O U R earning me 4 x $90 sales!"

This is just one of hundreds (we're not exaggerating) "thank you" emails we've received and the book is truly being regarded as the TOP book of 2007.

If you've worked with us in the past you know that our products are of the highest quality and we know that Who Loves Money will make you a ton of money online.

Stop wasting time and pick up a copy today!

Click Here

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Who Loves Money Ebook Review

I have read a plethora of ebooks over the past few months and every one of them, without exception, included a plan to make a good living from online businesses.The latest ebook from Kyle and Carson of Wealthy Affiliate fame, is no different. This is a very well structured ebook and contains unique plans to make a full-time living, online, from home.

Who Loves Money Ebook ReviewBy Colin Southgate.

Who Loves Money?This is really a dumb question.The majority of people would like to have a little more money.Even people with lots of money would like a little more!There are lots a of webpages,websites and ebooks out there telling you precisely how you can make an easy living online.I have read a plethora of ebooks over the past few months and every one of them,without exception, included a plan to make a good living from online businessess.
The latest ebook from Kyle and Carson of Wealthy Affiliate fame,is no different. This is a very well structured ebook and contains unique plans to make a full-time living,online,from home.
The ebook shows, in great detail, how they were able to setup a Google adwords project and bring in $60 per minute from one campaign. This is just a small sample of the ebook’s contents that immediately comes to mind - there is much, much more!
Who Loves Money is a “one of a kind” ebook that focuses on teaching ZERO cost marketing techniques. Techniques that Kyle and Carson have used to earn literally hundreds of thousands of dollars online.This has nothing to do with Joint Ventures and earning money with mailing lists.
The ebook's goal is to make better marketers out of every single person who reads it, even if they are a VERY experienced at Internet Marketing. It shows how to find niches,how to close the deal, how to drive free traffic (which is really free)to your site,how to build awesome looking sites (for free) and a lot more.It mentions the fact that research is one of the most important keys to online marketing.
How do you teach someone to become a great marketer where they will not have to spend a dime of their own money? Anyone can be taught to find products online, advertise them in the PPC networks and “Hope” for the best, but how do the TOP marketers approach this? More importantly, how do you teach someone to become a true marketer? Who Loves Money fills this gap and will be an asset to anyone you promote this book to.
Here are some of the topics in the book:
Niche Hunting Exposed
How do you know which keywords sell?
Clickbank Money (in depth)
Quit Paying Your Web Guy
Doing it Smarter
Kyle & Carson’s Slow Roller Technique
Penny Pincher Traffic Techniques
and more…
If you are a completely new to Internet Marketing then some of the language and instruction may be a too much for you but if you’ve been online for any length of time at all and are willing to impliment the techniques and strategies given to you - step by step in the 106 pages of content - then Who Loves Money is for you.
Please, do me a favour, if you are not going to put in the work to earn some money from this terrific program to at least regain the costs - then keep your hard earned cash in your wallet.
Who Loves Money - Review
Article Source:

Click Here

Thursday, 10 May 2007

The Price Goes Up Tonight

Today is the last day to get your copy of "Who Loves Money" at the introductory price. As of 11:59PM EST tonight, the price is going to go up to the regular price. You will not want to miss out on this offer. To get instant access to the "zero-investment" marketing strategies within Who Loves Money at the special price, please use the following link:
Click Here!

Kyle and Carson have received amazing feedback thus far from those who have actually used the techniques within the book.The techniques work, and they will work for you too! Unless you do not like money, or do not want to have more of it, then you should be picking up your copy today before the price goes up.
Click Here!

Monday, 7 May 2007

Who Loves Money-Buy It Now Before The Price Is Jacked Up!

From Kyle and Carson

We want you to take a minute and read the following carefully.
There have been many "rumors" going around saying that
"Internet Marketing is Dead". You need to read this.

You have probably heard from numerous individuals that the
future of Internet marketing looks very "gloomy". Is this the
case, and if so, is it too late to start a business on the
Internet? We are to answer the big questions for you, and
tell you the REAL truth of what lies ahead within the Internet
marketing world!

We know that Internet marketing is just getting started and that
real opportunity is only going to GROW exponentially in the
coming years. Over the past five years spending online has
increased into the "billions" of dollars, and so has the money
earned by marketers. That's right, BILLIONS of dollars up for
grabs for people like you!

*** Smart marketers will prevail...yeah, that's right! It does
not take a big budget or big name to make big bucks online
these days. You need to think like a marketer, and more
importantly, think smartly. The objective of an Internet
marketer is to align consumers with products (or services) and
you can easily become good at this.
Remember, a gold mine awaits you.

*** Relevancy and more RELEVANCY! There is no doubt about it..
..relevancy converts. If you can send a visitor to a relevant ad,
to a relevant page, and then to a relevant are going
to be a very rich marketer! There really is not much more to it.
People tend to over-think things, and relevance is the main
component that is missed.

*** A website does not convert, the CONTENT does! You can
no longer just put up any webpage and send any traffic to it
(like to good ol' days). It now requires so much more thought
and a calculated message to your website visitors. CONTENT
is very important and the content components of your website
such as your headline will drastically impact your conversions!

We have something that can truly help you with everything we
mentioned above! Who Loves Money will teach you how to
become a smart marketer, how to create a business through
relevance, and how to create sites that convert like crazy...All
WITHOUT having to spend your own money! The end of Internet
marketing is nowhere to be seen, and the opportunities online
have never been "brighter"!

We are just a few days away from JACKING UP the price of
Who Loves Money!, so you should act right this second if you
want to take advantage of the discounted pre-launch offer!
The book has already achieved awesome respect within the
Internet marketing industry, and the success stories have
been rolling in at a very steady pace.
Get your own copy of Who Loves Money! now.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Are You Sick And Tired Of The So Called Gurus Scamming People?

From Kyle & Carson

We do not like what is going on these days in the world of Internet Marketing. You do not deserve to be scammed, but it is happening every single day. Buy one book, and another book, and then start again from square one. It seems like there are so many "GURUS" out there that are so willing to reach out to you by offering their "secret" information, when in fact the only thing that they are reaching for is your wallet.

You work hard for your money and spending it on a CRAP product is not right! We have created Who Loves Money to fight back and give everyone a fair playing field. Who Loves Money will open the doors to success without giving you some high-cost, ridiculous techniques that will NOT WORK. We have created a business in a box for anyone who wants to make a lot of money online without having to continuously pull out your credit card for another fee!
Within Who Loves Money you're going to learn the "Why's" of Internet Marketing. Most products out there teach you "How" Internet Marketing works, but they don't teach you what you really need to know. Anyone can throw up a Google Adwords ad and advertise a website, but successful marketers know that there is a lot more to making money online than that! You need to know "Why" your customers are purchasing and how to connect with the right audiences. Who Loves Money won't just teach you the "Why's" about making money online, we'll show you exactly how to do it for FREE!

"Nearly All the Techniques in Who Loves Money
Will NOT Cost You a Dime!"

Click Here!