Do you pay for your ebay listings?
I know - the subject line probably seemed like a stupid question.
I mean - who doesn't pay for their listings? ... and final value fees for that matter?
I'll tell you who....
Keith Purkiss
Keith is an ebay powerseller with a 28,000+ feedback, so he knows every loophole and every legal way to manipulate the system.
He has a secret he's been using for years which allows him to have free listings and no final value fees, And he's finally ready to share it!
In his Free Listings Report , he reveals a lot of the strategies and techniques he's used to attain such a high feedback rating. Many of which you'll undoubtedly find extremely useful.
But the main pull to me has to be the totally legal, 100% within ebays terms, profit increasing strategy he uses to list for free and pay no final value fees to boot!
If you think you might be able to increase your profits with free listings and build up your mailing list with no final value fees.... hey, what's to think about,you know you will don't you?
Then you'd be well advised to take a look
Free Listings Report
He covers the report with a 100% money back guarantee,leaving nothing but great reasons to grab this at your earliest convenience.
By now I'm sure you just want to visit the link and get your copy
Free Listings Report
You could be listing free within an hour!
P.S. - Why would you need a p.s. - just go take a look for
Click Here
Friday, 5 October 2007
Free Listings Report By Keith Purkiss - Learn How To List Your Items On Ebay-Without Paying Fees!
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge
Coming Soon!
Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge
From The Office Of Colm Butterly:
An Explanation & An Opportunity
The clock is counting down to the prelaunch of Colm Butterley's Search Domination Challenge. Why publish the timing of the prelaunch?
Because I want to give you the opportunity to be among the first to benefit from the information in this amazing resource
- and I want to let you in on the ground floor at the pre-launch stage!
Even better than that, I am giving you a chance to position yourself to gain from the buzz created in the prelaunch stage by organizing the elements of your affiliate campaign right now in advance of the prelaunch!
I don't believe an opportunity like this has ever been given before, but you will have to do your homework!
You see, I can't publicly release details of Colm Butterley's Search Domination Challenge prior to launch as I have to honour agreements with my Joint Venture partners.
You will have to search for whatever clues you can find online.
Look to my blog in July.
What is the buzz all about? Here's a big clue..
Taken from Lee McIntyre's Standing Start Profits ! forum :
Posted: 09 Aug 2007 23:49 GMT
Hi all
I just had to post this as I'm having a very odd experience.
Spend some time searching for Auction Profits Unleashed. Or Auto Auction Income . Or Standing Start Profits ! .
The search engine results are literally dominated by one man!
Almost every search to do with my output leads to a page with this man and his trusted affiliate link
Step forward Colm Butterly and take a bow......a one man SEO hero!
Lee McIntyre
Colm Butterley's Search Domination Challenge will show you exactly how to get those sort of search results for yourself.
If you get it at prelaunch, you can use that information to place your affiliate pages/lens/sites/blogs at the top of Google before the full launch day arrives and cash in on the buzz!
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Labels: Colm Butterly, Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge, Search Domination, Search Domination Challenge
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Dive into the Great Summer Gifts of 2007!
The Great Summer Gifts 2007 Event!
Download reports, articles and software from respected internet marketers,
All for Free! Surf on over.
Me and my mates have filled the treasure chest with reports, articles, plr, software and other goodies.
We have searched for the most reputable Internet Marketers and asked them to contribute products, articles, etc. for your use in building your business. There are over 150 quality products for you in this giveaway event.
People helping people is what this site is about. Thank you for your support.
Dive into the Great Summer Gifts of 2007!
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Labels: Colm Butterly, Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge, Search Domination, Search Domination Challenge
Sunday, 3 June 2007
$20 Price Reduction For One Week Only
We just wanted to see how you are doing and let you know about some choices that exist for you within the online marketplace. Often time's people lose sight of the fact that people are spending billions (yes with a big ol' B) of dollars each month online and affiliates (like you and us) are putting a large chunk of these sales in our own pockets!
Who Loves Money will be a great book as you will be able to quickly absorb and implement the techniques. We have received amazing feedback from people who have implemented the techniques, and in particular our "Slow Roller Techniques".
The idea behind the "slow roller" is that if you create highly targeted campaigns, with very specific keywords in volume, you will be able to generate highly profitable, high ROI campaigns. Remember, our goal as Internet marketers is to focus on our customers as they are the ones who ultimately earn us commissions. Many people over-emphasize how important traffic is, when in fact traffic is useless without the "relevance" factor. The Slow Roller technique focuses on the "relevance " factor and shows you how to filter out traffic from people who aren't ready to buy. If you follow the schedule that we teach, you'll have no trouble earning an extra $3000+ a month in profits in a short period of time.
This is just one of the many topics discussed within Who Loves Money, and we will show you how to implement the "slow roller" technique to earn well over $40,000/year within the first year...and it is sure to multiply after that.
By the way, did we mention that we have lowered the price of Who Loves Money to $77 (that is a $20 savings) for just this week? Get YOUR discounted copy now!
Click Here!
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Labels: Colm Butterly, Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge, Search Domination, Search Domination Challenge
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Zero Investment,Zero Risk!
From Kyle & Carson
Zero-Investment, Zero-Risk, Zero... Chance!
There is ZERO chance that you can lose if you actually take the time to implement the techniques within "Who Loves Money". We know this and guarantee this because these are the EXACT techniques that we use. In fact, "Who Loves Money" created many success the very first day it was released! We want you to take the time to get your copy, learn our techniques, and be yet another success story.
How do you succeed? Well, ultimately success is up to you, and you are given the tools within "Who Loves Money" to succeed...anyone can succeed with these techniques. You can succeed, your friends can succeed...really it can be ANYONE.
"Who Loves Money" is an opportunity, not a risk. Get your copy today!
Click Here
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Labels: Colm Butterly, Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge, Search Domination, Search Domination Challenge
The Difference
From Kyle & Carson
Yeah, yeah...we know what you are thinking; what is the difference between "Who Loves Money" and any other guide that has been released lately?
Well that's an easy one to answer.. It's different because we wrote it! The techniques within "Who Loves Money" are strictly based off the EXACT techniques that have work for us, and consequently, we know they will work for you. There isn't a single technique or strategy that we've written about that we don't use ourselves. This is what separates "Who Loves Money" from the rest. Other e-books out there are written based on theory, where "Who Loves Money is based on practice.
What other book tells you the exact industry that can make you $60 / minute, gives you the product, exactly how it was marketed, and how you can duplicate the campaign for yourself? We teach you this within Who Loves Money.
The $60/minute campaign awaits you here: Click Here
Will you succeed if you read "Who Loves Money" and implement the techniques within the book? YES...Absolutely...100%! If you learn the techniques we explain there is no way that you cannot make money. We know this because we provide you techniques that work for us, work for others, and will work for you. Most of the techniques are zero-investment marketing strategies, meaning the only investment you are going to have to make is the original purchase of Who Loves Money.
Success does not come without work however. You cannot expect to get rich overnight, and you cannot expect to get rich without using your brain. It all comes down to execution! If you know everything about marketing, and never implement it, you are not going to succeed. By executing the "Slow Roller" technique within "Who Loves Money", and following the schedule that we lay out, you will make sales very quickly. The entire "Slow Roller" section will be worth thousands to you if you follow our instructions.
The Slow Roller Technique awaits you here: Click Here
How do you succeed? Ultimately success is up to you. You are given the tools within "Who Loves Money" to succeed...anyone can succeed. You can succeed, your friends can succeed...really it could be ANYONE. If you work smart and are willing to persevere through small failures, then you will be one of the next Internet marketers who truly loves money (and will have a lot of it)!
Get Your Copy Today!
Click Here
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Labels: Colm Butterly, Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge, Search Domination, Search Domination Challenge
360 Reasons To Get Who Loves Money Now!
From Kyle & Carson
We've received literally hundreds of emails from people who have picked up a copy of Who Loves Money and although we were expecting great feedback, we couldn't have expected the book to be so well received.
Yesterday we were contacted by a very happy individual who was one of the first people to purchase Who Loves Money. Actually they were waiting for the countdown timer to reach zero and get first crack at the book! Within 8 hours of Who Loves Money being available this individual read the book, and focused in on our "Slow Roller" technique. Here's the email we received:
"You have no idea at the smile on my face guys!! Not only have I made that 4 sales which has proved that the [Slow Roller] technique works I have spent a massive $4 in clicks! lol $4 yes only F O U R earning me 4 x $90 sales!"
This is just one of hundreds (we're not exaggerating) "thank you" emails we've received and the book is truly being regarded as the TOP book of 2007.
If you've worked with us in the past you know that our products are of the highest quality and we know that Who Loves Money will make you a ton of money online.
Stop wasting time and pick up a copy today!
Click Here
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Labels: Colm Butterly, Colm Butterly's Search Domination Challenge, Search Domination, Search Domination Challenge